Caring for Someone with Dysphagia
Dysaphia is not an everyday word. But if you’ve ever cared for someone who has problems swallowing, you understand how food can lose its appeal. “Can you imagine not being able to eat and enjoy your favorite foods?” says Chef Gabriel Serero, inventor of the Dysphagia Gourmet food ingredient [Easy]base. With this ingredient, Dysphagia Gourmet turns soft food eating into gourmet dining.
Many people have trouble swallowing due to a stroke, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, MS, or any number of diseases or injuries. They are generally resigned to eating soft pureed foods, which erode your dignity and erode the appeal of foods. Even when it’s a temporary condition, it’s challenging to find desirable nutritious meals.
What Gives Food Its Appeal
“A new study led by Professor Charles Spence, the Oxford University gastrophysicist making waves in the food industry, has proven beyond doubt that making something look good makes it effectively taste better too.” (
We’ve all heard the phrase, you eat with your eyes. It’s not only the color, but shape and texture that wakes our taste buds . Imagine a plate of mashed potatoes, mashed carrots, and pureed meat. Would you want to eat it? What if you could eat a steak, potatoes, and carrots instead? More appealing, right? Chef Gabriel Serero understands this and created a natural food additive to convert pureed foods into a melt in your mouth bite-able, forkable food. [Easy]base is made of natural ingredients that don’t change the flavor and colors of foods. It allows people with dysphagia to consume their foods like other. Food will keep its taste and nutrition, but have an easy to swallow consistency.
How to Create Appealing Meals
Dysphagia Gourmet provides not only the [Easy]base ingredient, but tutorials for preparing the foods. The recipes are simple. Make a meal for the family and modify for the one with special needs. For everything from cheese, to meats and vegetables, to chocolates, Dysphagia Gourmet solves swallowing problems. They even have molds for shaping the foods into a more natural shape. This creates a presentation that more closely resembles an everyday meal. They also conduct training for dining services at senior living homes.
Just as DinerWear® is proud to offer dignified adult bibs, Dysphagia Gourmet provides dignified dining thought visually appealing, gastronomically pleasing, and easy to swallow foods. Check them out at Dysphagia Gourmet and tell your dining services about them.